After more than a month interruption
Busy on preparation for the PHP demo
Finally all things should be there has been there
Boss bringing the laptop with all the prepared materials
Along with our cheers
Accompany by the Big Boss
I have 2 days small break
Should be enough for me to take a big breath

Surely, before depart
Boss has assigned new task for all of us
Task will never go end
Until the end of the world

For how long I have never touch this scope?
Since before the interruption
Finally back to what I want to do
No more J brothers
At least not this time

Documentation some time bring headache
You need to understand the table struture
What are the information that you want to show
The relationship between the tables
And must able to visualise
How to do the task based on the documentation

There is a long long journey
Still have alot more to learn

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